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Upper Kindergarten

Our Upper Kindergarten curriculum maximizes exploration, creativity, and independent learning. The world of the child is full of movement, and we prepare the environment with beautiful materials and ample opportunity to connect with nature. This approach facilitates growth and fosters peace while keeping up with the busy and active bodies and brains of young children. Our Program prepares educators with a rich, diverse curriculum to encourage and inspire young students at every turn. To teach according to the child’s needs makes learning much more meaningful and relevant to the child. When we follow the child, teaching becomes a gift and not a chore since it is readily accepted, internalized, and mastered.

In Level 2, as part of our continuing effort to turn children into ‘Little Enquirers’ we expose children to a variety of real-life experiences. For example, we do real or virtual field trips related to life skills, such as banks, bakeries, laboratories, fitness centres and more. We then ask them to reect through writing a couple of sentences along with drawing about their experiences. We give them an object and ask them to frame a story around it – extempore! In this way, imagination is given free rein and children learn to express themselves with originality and develop a spirit of inquiry about their surroundings, which complements their formal learning – writing, reading, numeracy.

All subjects taught i.e. Writing, Reading, Numeracy, Hindi, ICT, Music, Drama, Dance, Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education, and Science Exploration are taken to the next level.

Social skills: the ability to empathize and interact successfully with their peer group, and also relate easily to adults.

Language skills: the ability to have adequate language skills in order to benefit from experiences facilitating their cognitive, educational and social development.

Executive function skills: the ability to hold and manipulate information in the brain, plan and regulate one’s behaviour, problem- solve, and be creative.

Emotional self-regulation skills: the ability to adapt behaviours depending on the situation, to control impulses and to shift attention.

Self-regulation in learning skills: the ability to postpone immediate satisfaction to attain long-term goals, sustain attention, be persistent, and remain concentrated.

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