
Aims and Philosophies

Our Mission Statement

To create a happy, secure and stimulating learning environment and to work in partnership with parents / carers to provide quality education and play based learning activities for children so that all young learners can grow in confidence and develop to their full potential.

Exploring independently is an important part of learning

  • Our aim is to provide outstanding early years education for children through creative hands-on play and learning experiences in a stimulating, safe and relaxed environment.
  • Children are assigned a key person who encourages independence by facilitating their natural exploration and supporting their development.
  • We want children to feel excited about learning and aim to give them a positive first experience of life at Asian Kids through inspirational opportunities.

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  • We provide a diverse curriculum based on the Montessori Method..
  • We encourage children to learn about different cultures in detail by celebrating festivals, tasting new foods, and sharing different traditions from all around the world.
  • Positive relationships between parents and staff are encouraged at all times. We maintain a positive cooperative environment for the best interests of the children..
  • Asian Kids promote a healthy lifestyle and organize several workshops and awareness programs for parents and children.Children of our school also participate in activities such as Kitchenette activity, Healthy food vs Junk food, and physical activities.
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    "Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment."